Match Report

Saturday 7th March

Nicely does it

League game called off and Ugo from the 5ths asked for a friendly. So we agreed due to not having a game the week before and lads where rusty. We had 6 of our players out that would potentially start but we know we train together we know each others game and no matter who I picked they would do a similar job to those who where missing. Team talk like before when we drew 1-1 is to cut their wing play out shut their striker down quickly and get them on the counter. 1st half was a really good battle we where not at the races with our passing ability. Then we turn it on 10 minutes before half time and Dylan controls the ball well in the area and slots it in to make it 1-0. We kept dominating and Danny chips the ball over the keeper and hits the cross bar and Dicey shoots about 5 yards out and their Defender comes from no where and the ball hits him and gets cleared off line line so we go in half time 1 0 up. 2nd hsld make a change to give players game time and I bring on Robbie and space of 5 minutes he still thinking about the girls in the Phillipenes sees them have a thrown on and he looking st the planes in the sky and Romario who is 5ths danger man lobs the keeper 1-1. 4 minutes later Romario again cuts in from left to right our defenders going in for sliding tackles miss and he shoots and scores and makes it 2-1. Told the lads stick to the quick footbal we will get something out of this game, after going 2 -1 down we turn up and we play outstanding football, counter attack after counter attack 1 2 touch footy was good to see and Mario gets slotted in and he scores 2-2. We hit them on the counter as they where forming so many gaps that Dylan slots in Ben and he shoots mskes it 3-2. Lorenzo comes on and his touches where excellent martin slots the ball to Dicey then he slots the ball to Dylan, Dylan passes to Lorenzo and he takes on 2 players Dylan makes a run into the penalty area and Lorenzo passes the ball cleanly to him and Dykan shoots goal makes it 4-2 and game is done. Excellent performance especially being 2-1 down from a team that have quality and make no mistake they can beat any team on their day but we stuck to the game plan all 13 players battled hard and we got the well deserved win.