Match Report

Saturday 8th February

We did it for Archie

We played unbeaten top of the league who have played much more league games then us as our cup adventures have made us play the least amount of games in our league so we are always playing catch up . We started so strong and fast like we always do playing good passes around the pitch trying to play on the floor as Southgate had many strong tall players in the air . We go 1-0 up with Redon who’s not fully fit converting from the spot . Redon , Mardi & bilals pace was electric and them 3 was doing our attacking non stop chasing short goal kicks and hunting them down halftime we come in 1.0 up Second half starts the same electric pace great battling and good passing .we give away a soft penalty which is converted on the rebound . we then score 2 more goals one more from Redon who was unplayable and a great goal by our great player mardi who was running them ragged all game . Southgate got a late consolation which flatters the scoreline we was never in trouble and the game was never in doubt . Well played everyone very good performance no one but a foot wrong everyone battled hard in attack and defence Scorers Redon 2 Mardi 1 Motm Habib (Archie )