Match Report

Saturday 23rd November

It's still a struggle

another game were we just didnt show up, the games we are losing are hard to take at the moment with the side we have, just dont see how or when its going to change. in a tight game i got court in no mans land from a deep free kick and it ended up in the net, did pull off 3/4 1 on 1 saves to make up for it before half time, 2nd half we still didnt really wake up out of 1st gear, i pulled off another 4/5 saves to keep us in it, but from one of our attacks they broke and with a 3 on 1 they made it 2-0, we finally played it on the floor and opened them up to make it 2-1, the ref seemed to have it in for us has when their froward got played in the box i come out he lifted it over me and wide he give a pen for a foul by me, completely baft by this call and going mad, fair play to their forward he turned round and said i didnt touch him and he give a goal kick, now again about 10mins later their other forward got played in and i come out he want round me shot hit the post and it want out for a goal kick....of so we thought has much to our shock he give a pen again!! said it was a the way i come out, he played advantage and cos they missed he give the pen!!! no one could work out how he come up with that but there was no way they was going to turn it down again so bang 3-1...thanks REF!!!!! well done to myself and billy on the mom