Match Report

Saturday 2nd November

So close to a win

Well unbeaten run of several months is gone, cruelly taken away in the last 30 seconds of a game we had won with great adversity. Well this is the last time for a while that the 5ths will be unprepared even if or when we are delayed. A player called Tony Young did the wrong thing by his club mates. At 10am after a promise to help the team in goal he did not attend and put his phone off. Hence we travelled for 2 hours due to a closed bridge in South West London. Arriving there we had issues and Ugo the player manager was injured during a non-warm up, But still the team rose to the occasion and managed to take the lead. Our top striker went in midfield and the other top striker went right back and the right back went to Goal-keeper. we scored a 2nd goal whilst not playing then greatest. There was too much blind running by the strikers and the wide men were to greedy without clever movement. But still they did the business, we were not physically able to compete for headers. bad marking allowed the opposition to come back to 2-2 bur we scored the final goal. all the goals were poor with bad marking at set pieces. But we go the game to 1 minute and to be honest it was over, a harmless throw in lead to a fluke cross that went in. The team was down and tired and without options of a keeper, creative striker in the right position or our other top scorer in his right position the team took time to pull out of our spell. 2 quick fire goals later it was too late, we went 4 up top but the opposition pulled back looking only for a fast break. Unfortunately some close chances lead to nothing and with the entire team trying to fight and score the opposition scored a break away goal. We learn that you need a goal keeper, good traffic news, honest people who want to help, different extra time tactics that can be employed quickly as a plan A or B