Match Report

Saturday 26th October

14 goal cup thriller

The heavy rain and mad crazy wind and A406 part closure made today’s game a logistical nightmare some players leaving 3 hours before kick off and only just about making kick off . Hardly no team talk and hardly no warm up as we only had our whole team on the pitch at 13.55 and the horrible weather conditions didn’t make it a great start for us but no excuses we started the game strongly and was causing havoc every time we scored the opposition came back and scored the ball was flying around everywhere the strong wind playing a massive part . we played some good stuff and scored some beautiful goals the pace was electric , Dave dice , Ben Anderson , Mykey , bilal , the rest of our team really hurting old manorians we came in at half time 5-3 up . We was a bit annoyed they scored 3 as it flattered them but we came up with a new game plan and readjusted . Second half we came out again playing well and played much better then the first half , we wasn’t making so many mistakes we end up winning the game 9-5 Goalscorers Mykey Marsden 4 Dave dice 3 Bilal Patel 2 Thanks to our friends from the 7ths Dave and Ben helping us out Well played everyone Next week we play the same opposition In the league hopefully we can all turn up for 1pm and prepare better this time who knows what the result would be